Have you ever thought about giving a donation as a gift? I’ll be honest with you, it never really crossed my mind until recently. It’s hard to shop for other people. Sometimes you just don’t know if someone already has that perfect gift you’ve found for them. Now that deals are around every corner on the internet, people prefer to …
Joint Checking Accounts: Are They Right for You?
We’ve already talked about financial questions you should answer before getting married. We felt this burning question deserved its own blog post because everyone seems to have a different opinion when talking about sharing a checking account with their spouse. It’s important for couples who share a joint checking account to trust one another completely and have similar spending and …
Spotlight On: Volunteers of America Greater Baton Rouge
In the Greater Baton Rouge area, one nonprofit does its part to go above and beyond for those in need: Volunteers of America Greater Baton Rouge. Volunteers of America provides services to those with disabilities, HIV/AIDS, behavioral health problems and more. Wherever there’s a need in Baton Rouge, Volunteers of America is there with caring hands. We wanted to …
The Shared Branch Network: Use Credit Unions from Anywhere
Time and again we hear people ask “Can you use credit unions from anywhere?” You probably hear about banks being everywhere and assume that since credit unions aren’t “big banks,” you have limited access to your funds. We’re here to tell you that that’s simply not true. Most of this comes from the widespread issue of people relaying misinformation about …
Financial Questions You Need to Answer Before Marriage
Tying the knot. Jumping the broom. Balancing the checkbook? When it comes to marriage, most people are thinking about their future with their significant other, but how many people are thinking about their financial future? You might be thinking, “Yeah, but my fiancé and I have that settled! We know how to pay bills!” Well, that may be true, but …
19 Real Haunted Places in Louisiana Sure to Scare You
Voodoo queens, headless ghosts, war heroes and singing spirits occupy buildings across the state of Louisiana. Forget those “spooky” haunted houses that rely on jump scares from people in rubber masks. Make your way to one of these real haunted places in Louisiana for a real fright. 1. Bentley Hotel in Alexandria, Louisiana The Bentley Hotel is a classic hotel …