A credit card is a powerful financial tool that is easily available to most people. When used properly, they can help build your credit score, while also offering the convenience of making purchases online or in just about any store. However, if used improperly, a credit card can cause you serious problems. These include overspending, amassing large debts, and hurting …
How Crawfish Became a Louisiana Staple
Louisiana’s unique cuisine is world famous, but there’s one dish that’s most strongly identified with the state – the Louisiana Crawfish. Crawfish have always been abundant in Louisiana and actually live on every continent except Antarctica. Native Americans who originally lived in the state ate crawfish by catching them using reeds baited with deer meat. So how did the humble …
How to Make the Most of Leftover Boiled Crawfish (Shells and All)
Crawfish boils are one of Louisiana’s most cherished culinary traditions. You sit down with family and friends and dive into a huge mound of spicy mudbugs with all the fixins–potatoes, corn on the cob, mushrooms, and more. But when you’re done eating, you look down and realize you’ve got tons of crawfish and fixings left over. What to do? Here …
Skills to Make Your Kid Money Smart
It’s extremely important to get children started on the path to financial success when they’re younger! This helps make a positive impact on how children view their finances now and in the future. A question I hear a lot is, “What can I do to help teach my kids/nieces/grandchildren how to save and the importance of saving their money?” If …
Weird (and Wonderful) Add-ins to Crawfish Boils
Crawfish boils are one of the most famous, popular, and delicious traditions in Louisiana. A traditional crawfish boil includes a number of added ingredients such as small red potatoes, whole onions, whole garlic bulbs, and mini corn-on-the-cob, all thrown into the pot to cook alongside the mudbugs themselves. The result is an array of scrumptious side dishes that absorb the …
Where to Get the Best Gumbo in Louisiana
Gumbo is a staple of the south and we treat it as such. Every region of Louisiana has something different to offer with their gumbo flavor, roux, and ingredients. We asked Pelican team members to search for the best gumbo in their communities and they delivered! Make sure to stop by these local spots when you’re wanting something that feels …