The new year is a month in, and with the turn of the month comes a day dreaded by heartbroken and awaited by the devoted—Valentine’s Day.
No need to worry! Although the day is met with both ire and delight, one matter stands true—it doesn’t have to break the bank.
We’ve got you covered on budget-friendly gifts you can give your Valentine.
“Remember When” Memory Box
There’s nothing better than being reminded of special moments the two of you share as a couple. Take a trip down memory lane with your partner by making them a “Remember When” box.
You’ll need a pretty gift box, scraps of paper, satin ribbons, and colored pens. Use the colored pens to write down special or funny memories on paper. Then, roll the papers up and tie them with a ribbon to give the memories a more elevated look. Finish off the gift by placing all the memories in the gift box.
Collage Frame with Photos
This thoughtful Valentine’s Day gift continues the walk down memory lane. The collage photo frame tells your partner that captured memories are as good as remembered ones.
Plus, this gift is super easy to make! You’ll need to buy a collage frame and print pictures of the two of you. You can print the images at home, Office Depot, or UPS Stores.
Once you’ve done that, place the pictures in each frame, and the gift is ready!
“Open When” Letters
Make the magic of Valentine’s Day last with a gift that keeps on giving: “Open When” letters. Gift these to your loved one with specific instructions to open them at specific times of the year.
You’ll need a small box, envelopes, paper, and colored pens. On the front of each envelope, write instructions for your partner to open it. For example, you can instruct your partner to open an envelope when they’re sad or miss you—”Open When You’re Sad” or “Open When You Miss Me.”
After you’ve done that, decorate the envelopes. In the envelopes, add words of encouragement, letters, jokes, or small knick-knacks that you know your partner will appreciate.
Custom Coupon Book
This might take more planning and time, but it’s worth it. Give your partner a cute and thoughtful gift with the custom coupon book.
You’ll need a computer, printer, scissors, hole punch, and gift ribbon. Go online and find a template for romantic coupons. You can find free templates filled out on websites like Canva. Some websites offer free blank templates to fill out with person-specific actions.
Complete the coupons and print them. Then, make a booklet by punching three holes into each coupon and tying them together with a ribbon.
Homemade Chocolate-Covered Strawberries
Who doesn’t love a sweet treat, especially when their sweetie makes it? Chocolate-covered strawberries are easy to make, easy to decorate, and budget-friendly.
You’ll need strawberries, baking chocolate chips, and toppings—nuts, sprinkles, and coconut shavings. To spice it up even more, use different flavors like white, milk, bittersweet, or semi-sweet chocolate.
Start by lining a baking sheet with parchment paper. Then, wash your strawberries and pat them dry. Melt the chocolate in a double boiler or microwave. If using a microwave, heat the chocolate in 30-second intervals. Remove every 30 seconds and stir until the chocolate melts.
Once the chocolate melts, hold the strawberry by the stem and dip it into the chocolate. Then, lift and twist the strawberry to let the excess chocolate fall back into the bowl. Finally, sprinkle the nuts, sprinkles, coconut shavings, or other topping over the strawberries.
Write a Poem
Poems don’t have to be written by Pulitzer Prize-winning poets to be exemplary or special. Plus, what’s more thoughtful than putting your feelings into words?
Some of the simplest poems to write are haikus and tankas. Haikus are Japanese three-line poems composed of language in a 5-7-5 structure of rhythmic sound units. Tankas are Japanese poems that contain 31 syllables and are traditionally presented as a single unbroken sentence.
Examples of haikus and tankas include First Autumn Morning by Murakami Kijo and Fireflies by Andrea Dietrich, respectively.
You can also write a longer poem like a rhyme, blank verse, sonnet, or free verse.
Baking Cookies and Decorating
Is your partner’s love language quality time together? Well, this is the perfect gift!
Baking cookies together ensures quality time and a sweet treat. You can find all types of cookie recipes and budget-friendly baking kits online.
Plant a Love Tree
Do you and your partner have a big backyard or a nature spot you love going to? Why not do something that will stand as a symbol of your love for generations or even centuries? Plant a love tree!
You’ll need shovels and tree seedlings. Seedlings can be found online and at retailers like Home Depot and Lowe’s.
Before buying the seedlings, consider the tree you want to plant and its symbolism. Certain trees, such as the cherry tree and wisteria, symbolize love and romance, while the mimosa tree symbolizes protection and love.
Custom Playlist
These budget-friendly gifts may be old school, but they stand the test of time. Yes, we’re talking about the custom playlist.
Since the 1980s, secret admirers and lovers have swapped custom playlists. These days, you don’t need a blank CD or cassette tape to burn music onto. A music streaming service like Spotify or Apple Music will suffice.
First, create and name the playlist. We suggest naming it after your partner—”Songs for ____.” Then, think about the type of music your partner likes and what you want the playlist to feel like. Finally, pick and place songs that you know they’ll love or that remind you of them.
On Valentine’s Day, share the playlist by texting or emailing them the link.
Pick a Book
Are you and your partner big readers? You can find out how well they know you while having a great time.
All you’ll need is a library or bookstore. On Valentine’s Day, you and your partner can go to the local library or bookstore and spend the day picking books for each other to read.
These are just a few ways to give your special someone unique, budget-friendly gifts.
What’s the best Valentine’s Day gift you’ve gotten? Let us know in the comments below!

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