Overcoming the Challenges of Single Parenting

Overcoming the Financial Challenges of Single Parenting

According to the 2020 census, nearly 19 million children in the United States are living in single-parent households. If you’re a single parent, it can feel like the financial challenges that come with raising a child by yourself are too much to handle. My name is Kimberly Gaines and as a Nationally Certified Credit Counselor here at Pelican, I’ve met …

student loan deferment

Student Loan Deferment: Everything You Need to Know

As a credit counselor here at Pelican, one of the topics I help members with the most is student loan debt and how to manage it. According to a report by Forbes, there are 45 million borrowers in the U.S. who collectively owe nearly $1.6 trillion in student loan debt. Yes—TRILLION! The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act …

Shared Phone Plan

Is It Worth It to Add Someone to Your Phone Plan?

In my line of work, I meet with people all the time to discuss their financial situations. After establishing exactly what the situation is, my end goal is to get my clients back on the road to financial success. One topic that often comes up with clients is the topic of shared phone plans. This is a topic both my …