Having a hard time finding money for college? There are plenty of high school students out there wondering about their future, too. The good thing is that you don’t have to rely on student loans to get through your college career with the help of a Louisiana college scholarship. If you’re looking to get out of college with less student …
10 Blockbuster Movies Filmed in Louisiana
Louisiana’s known around the country as “Hollywood South,” and for good reason too. Movie studios flock here to use our locations for the great tax credits they get and for the beautiful streets, cities and landscapes that set the scene for some of the countries’ most memorable movie moments. There have been lots of popular movies filmed in Louisiana. Take …
Louisiana Inspired Baby Names
Like many other born or self-proclaimed Cajuns, I love all things Louisiana! The food, the family, the scenery and the overall culture—there’s no place like it. What better way to pay homage to our great state than to name your own flesh and blood after something we all know and love?! Here are a few Louisiana inspired baby names to …
Spotlight On: Volunteers of America Greater Baton Rouge
In the Greater Baton Rouge area, one nonprofit does its part to go above and beyond for those in need: Volunteers of America Greater Baton Rouge. Volunteers of America provides services to those with disabilities, HIV/AIDS, behavioral health problems and more. Wherever there’s a need in Baton Rouge, Volunteers of America is there with caring hands. We wanted to …
19 Real Haunted Places in Louisiana Sure to Scare You
Voodoo queens, headless ghosts, war heroes and singing spirits occupy buildings across the state of Louisiana. Forget those “spooky” haunted houses that rely on jump scares from people in rubber masks. Make your way to one of these real haunted places in Louisiana for a real fright. 1. Bentley Hotel in Alexandria, Louisiana The Bentley Hotel is a classic hotel …
5 Things You NEED to Do in Alexandria, Louisiana
Alexandria is located in Rapides Parish right in the heart of Louisiana. They’ve even taken that name to heart, adopting their central location as the city’s slogan, The Heart of Louisiana. Beyond being known for their important historical and cultural significance to Central Louisiana, the city is also well-known for their ability to put on a good time! We’ve gathered …