Picture this: you’ve come up with a million-dollar business idea, pitched your idea to a business lender, created a business plan, and you’re ready to get to work. Before you check everything off your to-do list, though, there’s still one thing left to do. You need somewhere to store all of your fortunes—besides under your mattress. This is where a …
What Documents are Needed to Buy a Home?
Applying for a mortgage loan can seem like an overwhelming experience. During the lending process, your lender will ask you for a lot of different documentation that you may not be familiar with in the beginning. Knowing what documents are needed beforehand will not only help your loan move forward more smoothly, but will also help your lender identify more …
Do You Still Save Money Cutting Cable?
One of the most-discussed dilemmas among pretty much anyone who enjoys entertainment has been unfolding right in front of our eyes since 2007. For some it is has been an easy decision, and for others it has been a painstaking choice that’s been contemplated for a long time. That very dilemma is whether cable is really worth its price. With …
Topping Off Ceremony: Pelican’s New Corporate Campus
On June 12, 2019, the team at Labarre Associates honored its work in association with Pelican State Credit Union and all of the subcontractors that helped with the credit union’s new Corporate Campus in Baton Rouge! The last piece of structural steel was raised to the highest point of the building in what is coined the “Topping Off Ceremony.” My …
Jean Lafitte: Mystery of the Unfound Treasure
There’s mystery afoot! A treasured mystery, that is. Stories of hidden treasures have been told time and time again in children’s books, video games, shows, and movies—but what if they weren’t made up just for the sake of storytelling? What if these stories are factual? History suggests there is a possibility that hidden treasures—gold coins, doubloons, precious jewelry—are somewhere beneath …
Renting vs Owning: What’s Best for You?
Let’s face it—none of us are made of money. We don’t have a money tree in the back yard that we can simply go pick from when we’d like to buy something. While those things would be really cool, the reality is that we have budgets to stick to and have to carefully plan for life’s expenses. We all eventually …