Business Checking Account

The Benefits of Having a Business Checking Account

Picture this: you’ve come up with a million-dollar business idea, pitched your idea to a business lender, created a business plan, and you’re ready to get to work. Before you check everything off your to-do list, though, there’s still one thing left to do. You need somewhere to store all of your fortunes—besides under your mattress. This is where a …

Woman Sorting Through Her Bills

Conquering Financial Anxiety

There are times I’ve stayed up all night thinking about making a big purchase. I’ve thrown out tons of hypothetical ‘what ifs’ and ‘whys’ for days upon days before actually taking time to sit down, look at my accounts, and do some calculations to help ease or support my concerns. According to a 2018 WalletHub survey of financial literacy in …

Marketing Supervisor builds the best resume

How to Build the Best Resume

When writing a resume, it’s very important that what you are displaying on paper is your best you can offer. As a Human Resources team member that checks several resumes each day, I feel that sometimes this message can get lost for a lot of applicants. Think about it this way: a resume is the first impression you’ll make on …

Why is a Business Plan Important for Success?

Creating a new business can be quite stressful and fearful all at once. There are many questions to answer. What resources will you need, what is your vision, and how will you bring the vision to life? There is a quote that I often think about when it comes to starting a business, and it states, “Make your vision so …

Pelican team member writing Credit vs. Character on paper with a Pelican pen

Credit vs Character: The Hidden Truth in Your Credit Report

For more than 40 years, most financial institutions have relied on the Fair Isaac Corporation’s credit scoring system, most commonly known as FICO, to evaluate borrowers’ creditworthiness. Credit unions and banks have even used credit scores and reports to assist them in determining whether or not to hire a potential employee. Now, over 70% of all companies use credit reports …

Scott at a Pelican Event

How to Choose Home Insurance Coverage

Are you thinking about purchasing your first home, buying a new home or refinancing your current house? If so, you’ll be looking at some options for home insurance, and it can be easy to feel overwhelmed. That’s where I can help! I’ve been with Liberty Mutual Insurance for three years, so I’ve had to answer a lot of questions. I …