So you thought after paying tuition and all of your fees for the semester that you were done spending money. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. You may have forgotten about the pretty huge expense that is your textbooks. College textbook prices have skyrocketed in the past few years, and it can seem pretty difficult to find a way to afford …
5-Steps to Increase Odds of Winning College Scholarships
College is expensive! Between tuition, books, and supplies, it can be overwhelming to see the cost. I know when I was in college, I wanted to do anything I could to reduce the amount of money I would have to pay back when I graduated. Fortunately, there are lots of scholarships out there, including Pelican State Credit Union’s Team Pelican …
$10 Cajun Dinners for a Family of 4
Being from the South, one of the hardest things for anyone to do is budget for food. There’s something great about cooking delicious meals that everyone enjoys eating. Food really brings everyone together, especially down here! Having to budget for creating all of your favorite meals is something that doesn’t sit well with anyone, especially when it ends up being …
How to Travel on a Budget
Growing up, I always dreamed of exploring the world and going on wild adventures—I love the excitement of seeing new things and meeting new people! As an adult I have the same desires, but I realize I need to budget and save money to achieve those dreams. I understand how hard it can be to vacation when you don’t have …
Five Really Easy Ways to Earn Money on the Side
Everyone loves money, but nowadays we really like extra money. Side hustles are the big thing, and you can join hundreds of thousands of others in making cash on the side! Want to get your bills paid down faster, reach a purchase goal in less time or go on a nicer vacation this year? Use some of these ways to …
Become a Thanksgiving Pro with These Budgeting Tips
Picture this: it’s five days until Thanksgiving. You have to find out which family members are coming in for the big meal. You’re starting to really stress out—you still have to plan out the meal and seating arrangements, and then buy decorations, food and drinks. On top of all of this, you have to try to find some time in …