8 Mobile Apps to Boost Your Financial New Year’s Resolutions

While we’re still rounding off the craziness of last year, I thought it’d be a great idea to start thinking about what my financial goals are moving forward. How will I be able to reach those goals, and are there any mobile apps that can boost my financial new year’s resolutions? I’m just going to lay it out there: I have …

Couple Balancing a Joint Checking Account

Joint Checking Accounts: Are They Right for You?

We’ve already talked about financial questions you should answer before getting married. We felt this burning question deserved its own blog post because everyone seems to have a different opinion when talking about sharing a checking account with their spouse. It’s important for couples who share a joint checking account to trust one another completely and have similar spending and …

Buying a Car After a Flood: What You Need to Know

When you’re buying a car after a flood, there is a lot you need to know at each step of the buying process. If you aren’t careful, you could end up with more problems than you started with. After a flood, it’s common to see plenty of deals pop up all over the place. Cars that you normally may not …