Thank you to all of our subscribers and #AskPelican viewers. We’re so excited to be able to share all of our financial expertise with each of you to keep Louisiana residents on the path to financial wellness! We started out in 2017 by releasing season one of #AskPelican, where one of our Nationally Certified Credit Counselors answered questions we received …
Dining Out on a Budget
Trying new restaurants and dining out are some of my favorite things to do, but sometimes my wallet is not in favor of those choices. In my opinion, budgeting for food costs is one of the most difficult things to do. You don’t know when or if you’ll feel like cooking, going out, or ordering in. At my house, we …
3 Meaningful, No-Cost Ways to Give Back to Animal Shelters
I would do anything for an animal. There’s something so impossibly beautiful about these creatures that live alongside us every day. They seem so different from us, but the more we interact with them, the more we realize how similar we are. Animals save lives just like humans do, whether it’s a therapy dog trained to detect seizures, or a …
Credit vs Character: The Hidden Truth in Your Credit Report
For more than 40 years, most financial institutions have relied on the Fair Isaac Corporation’s credit scoring system, most commonly known as FICO, to evaluate borrowers’ creditworthiness. Credit unions and banks have even used credit scores and reports to assist them in determining whether or not to hire a potential employee. Now, over 70% of all companies use credit reports …
The History of Pelican’s St. Landry Branch
The Pelican State Credit Union family grew in November 2017 with the merger of St. Landry Parish Federal Credit Union. St. Landry Parish FCU has been devoted to helping the underserved in its community since day one and merged with Pelican State CU partially because of this strong shared commitment. The team members that came to Pelican through the merger …
Real Life: I’m a Chicken Mom in My Spare Time
Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve had an extreme love for animals and dreamed of owning a farm. Well in September of 2017, my dream started to manifest. We signed the papers to a beautiful, old Acadian-style home smack dab in the middle of three acres in Denham Springs, Louisiana, with the hopes of one day turning this …