Day in the Life of a Pelican Business Development Rep.: Ed Freundlich

Whether it’s your company benefits fair, a community event or a free Financial Wellness Workshop, chances are pretty good that you’ve seen or met one of our Business Development Representatives. We talked with BD Rep. Ed Freundlich to learn more about what a day in his work life looks like. Ed Freundlich serves our Select Employer Groups in Pelican’s North …

Team Pelican Scholarship Winners: Where Are They Now?

College is expensive—so expensive that many students have to start planning and budgeting for student debt. Even if you’ve never enrolled in a college course, you’ll learn this pretty quickly by just watching the evening news or talking to any weary-eyed college student you pass on the sidewalk (although you might want to avoid such conversations during finals week). Since …

Meet Our 2017 Team Pelican Scholarship Winners

Each year, we like to recognize rock star Team Pelican youth savings account members who are graduating high school. Our Team Pelican scholarship awards give high school graduates some extra help paying for college. Scholarships can go a long way and cover textbooks, tuition, meal plans or anything else students might need for their college career. This year, we doubled …