beginner's guide buying a car

The Beginner’s Guide to Buying a Car

Purchasing a vehicle is, generally speaking, the second largest purchase you’ll ever make. Considering more than just how it’s going to affect your budget, buying a car requires lots of thought and careful planning. Before making such a purchase, there’s a few questions you need to ask yourself: Can I afford it? What about my emergency fund? How will this …

camping on a budget

Camping on a Budget

Camping has always been something I’ve enjoyed doing. While it may not be the most luxurious of vacations, camping on a budget can be extremely fun and relaxing. As a kid, we would go on camping trips for the weekend to spend some quality time with family and wind down from the busy week that preceded. A weekend of sitting …

homemade gifts

Homemade Gifts to Give this Holiday Season

Are you stressed about getting last-minute gifts? Would you rather not pay an arm and a leg to get something for everyone? You can avoid the stress, save money, and put your creativity on full display this holiday season by making homemade gifts! Making homemade gifts can seem a bit overwhelming, but the result is much more meaningful and cost-efficient. …

Cutting Cable

Do You Still Save Money Cutting Cable?

One of the most-discussed dilemmas among pretty much anyone who enjoys entertainment has been unfolding right in front of our eyes since 2007. For some it is has been an easy decision, and for others it has been a painstaking choice that’s been contemplated for a long time. That very dilemma is whether cable is really worth its price. With …

Woman Organizing Her Coupons Before Shopping

How to Make the Most Out of Couponing

Are you tired of looking at your grocery receipt and wishing the final amount was lower? We’ve always felt the same way—that’s why we always recommend using coupons. Couponing is a great way to help whittle down that large monthly cost! Many people think that couponing is a lot of work for little payoff, but that isn’t really the case. …

Dining Out on a Budget

Trying new restaurants and dining out are some of my favorite things to do, but sometimes my wallet is not in favor of those choices. In my opinion, budgeting for food costs is one of the most difficult things to do. You don’t know when or if you’ll feel like cooking, going out, or ordering in. At my house, we …