If you haven’t heard of a Financial Wellness Workshop, it’s one of the ways our Financial Outreach team helps to educate the public on different finance topics. We host these for businesses and organizations we partner with, where we set everything up at no cost to them. We also host community workshops that are completely free to Pelican members and non-members!
Financial education and security are more important now than ever been. Our Financial Outreach team understands the need for Louisiana residents to be more financially secure. Pelican’s five Nationally Certified Credit Counselors provide free credit counseling to our members in order to help them on the path to financial success. They wanted to start doing even more for our branch communities, so we said, “Let’s do a FREE financial wellness workshop for our community and we’ll serve them dinner!”
Two of our credit counselors, Lynn Gobert and Kimberly Gaines, each presented important topics to all of our attendees. Their presentations had down-to-earth situations, funny jokes and allowed everyone to start taking action to improve their financial lives immediately.
Lynn taught everyone the “Credit Score Breakdown.” She went over how to understand credit reports and scores, teaching the attendees what is included on a credit report, how a credit score is calculated and what aspects of life a credit score impacts.
Kimberly taught everyone “How to Think Like a Millionaire.” Everyone who attended learned how to save and budget for success. She went into detail on actual needs versus wants, developing a budget plan, using credit wisely, making your money work for you, how to find additional income streams and much more.
We couldn’t leave it at just giving everyone who attended free financial information, either; that’s just not how the Pelican family does things! We had a free jambalaya dinner and door prizes there, too! Every attendee was entered in to win one of two Pelican prize baskets and a $50 VISA gift card!
Helping Louisiana make better financial decisions is a huge passion of ours. We take great pride in helping people achieve their dreams and goals, and most of all doing it for free. Take a look at our event calendar to see what other free Financial Wellness Workshops are coming up in your area! If you’d like to check out our free one-on-one credit counseling, visit pelicanstatecu.com/FreeCreditCounseling.